Dispute Resolutions and Residential Construction

Dispute Resolutions and Residential Construction Alternative Dispute Resolutions and Residential Construction Defects The Georgia Contractor’s Relief Act of 2004 In 2004, the Georgia Legislature enacted a series of statutes that were purportedly intended to facilitate dispute resolution and reduce the need for litigation when construction defects occur in residential property. To affect this purpose, the … Read more

Mold Tips

Solve moisture problems before they become mold problems. Mold can grow within 24- 48 hours of the initial water problem. Remember that every mold problem is a water problem first. The mix of mold indoors should be less than the mix of mold outside. Install a whole-house/building dehumidifier, ventilator, and filtration. system in parallel with … Read more

The Role of Fire Protection Engineer in Fire Loss Investigation

The Role of Fire Protection Engineer in Fire Loss Investigation More and more, fire protection engineers (FPEs) are called on to act as the primary investigator of fire losses. FPEs have historically been regarded as special experts, retained to analyze code issues, investigate fire protection system failures, and support cause-and-origin experts. However, recognition by the … Read more

Making the Most of Recall Information

Making the Most of Recall Information Your day in the office is shaping up like most every other day. You have just been assigned as many claims as you can effectively manage! But one of your new claims is a total fire loss, and your policyholders claim the fire started near their new toaster oven … Read more

Denial of Claims and Rejection of Proofs of Loss

The following was a presentation at the February 2006 Southern Loss Association Luncheon. The presentation was given by Paul W. Burke, a partner at the law firm of Drew, Eckl & Farnham, LLP – Atlanta, GA A. Denial Of Claims A. Denial Of Claims 1. Significance of Denial Letters The denial of a claim is … Read more