Pressure Beyond Limits
Have you ever considered what would happen if, instead of increasing the internal pressure of a pipe or 55-gallon drum, you decreased the internal pressure such that a vacuum (i.e., negative pressure) existed?
Have you ever considered what would happen if, instead of increasing the internal pressure of a pipe or 55-gallon drum, you decreased the internal pressure such that a vacuum (i.e., negative pressure) existed?
This first ransomware virus, now known as the PC Cyborg virus or the AIDS Trojan, was distributed to a mailing list of 20,000 doctors and AIDS researchers.
The disasters of 2020 will likely live in infamy for decades to come. There were 22 disaster events last year that caused, at a minimum $1 billion in damage. The total count for those 22 disasters? $95 billion and 261 people dead. If that cost and death toll seems low, it’s because it is. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic are still being counted. While many industries suffered throughout 2020, healthcare has shouldered a continuous burden.
When investigating an industrial incident, one piece of information I always ask for is the relevant P&ID’s for the process. P&ID stands for Piping and Instrumentation Diagram and is defined as “A schematic diagram of the relationship between instruments, controllers, piping, and system equipment.” The information from the P&ID’s covering the vessel or vessels involved in an incident can be very useful.
Wood truss failures can vary and identifying the cause requires visual inspection as well as a working knowledge of the structural loads and building codes. These truss systems must transfer the gravity and lateral loads to the foundations.