Southern Loss Association News
President’s Message
Happy November, SLA Members,
I am writing to you from the past. For me, in this moment, it is middle October, and I have yet to become a parent, although I am literally days away from parenthood. Right now, I am enjoying my last few days of tranquility by resting, binge watching movies and true crime tv shows, checking and double checking the baby’s room, and nesting. I know that all heck is about to break through, but I believe I am well prepared and well traversed at ‘winging it’. To future me – you got this! And if all else fails, build a flux capacitor and turn the Mitsubishi Starion into a time machine (it kind of looks like a DeLorean, so it should work).
Alas, I apologize for not writing in the present timeline, but I have no idea how much ‘free’ time I will have while on leave and I wanted to ensure that everyone had a lovely November president message to read, because everyone anticipates these, right?
I hope everyone enjoyed the golf outing and has fun at the November luncheon; I am going to try my best to be at the Christmas lunch. And to all those affected by the recent hurricanes, my heart is with you.
Take care, everyone.
Brooke Hill